How do I order a Nui International trading package?

How do I order a Nui International trading package?

1.  Go to your Nui International back office at
      a. Click on packages
      b. Click on purchase

2. Select the trading contract you want to purchase. Click on service contract for more options.

3. Accept the terms and conditions of the purchase then click confirm.

4. Once you click confirm you will be able to view the order number of your purchase. You have one hour to complete the BTC payment. If no payment is received the order will be canceled. Click on view my order to make the BTC payment

5. You have two options to pay for your order. (step 6) pay with BTC or (step 7) pay using an existing balance from you Nui International back office

6. PAYMENT WITH BTC: Click pay

      a. Click on the Bitcoin icon. 

     b. You can either enter the BTC amount into your wallet or scan the QR code to send the BTC payment. IMPORTANT: Do not enter the USD amount when sending the payment.

7. PAYMENT USING BALANCE: Click pay with balance

      a. The available balance field will show your current balance available, the total value field shows the amount of your order (using the balance from your account has a 2% processing fee), and the security password field is where you have to enter the password you have set up. Once you are ready click on make a payment.

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