Can I use Social Media to promote Nui Social?

Can I use Social Media to promote Nui Social?

Nui Social encourages Nui members to express their personal experiences. However, there are some restrictions:

-DO NOT use Nui Social trade marks as part of your username/handle, group names,business pages, or site names. 

-Nui Social members must clearly identify as such when interacting with other in social media,etc. 

-Members can create social media presence for themselves or their business but must state that such is not endorsed by Nui Social and make sure to identify yourself as a Nui Social member.  

A Nui Social member may NOT use any electronic media or other advertising of Nui Social or the Nui Social business opportunity on television, radio, social media,websites, or any other internet site without prior written approval from Nui Social.

In order to understand this topic in depth please, review our Policies and Procedures sections 21 and 22. 

Nui Social Compliance
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